
Fighting Your Traffic Ticket in RI with a Rhode Island Traffic Ticket Lawyer

You’ve just been pulled over by the police and received a traffic ticket in Rhode Island. It is likely that you will have some questions about what to do next. Should I just pay the fine? Should I hire a lawyer? What are my options? Can I fight this ticket? In today’s blog, the Rhode Island Traffic Ticket Lawyers at Abilheira Law answer these questions and more.

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Drafting a Will in Rhode Island

Planning for the future can be difficult and filled with uncertainty. Will your spouse be able to handle additional financial responsibilities upon your passing? Will your children be able to enjoy the same lifestyle they do now? Are there other family members you would like to provide for? The experienced probate lawyers at Abilheira Law will help you work through these difficult questions while meeting all of your estate planning needs.Today’s blog provides a guideline for those considering drafting a will in Rhode Island.

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Filing for Divorce in Rhode Island

Making the decision to file for divorce is never easy.  It can be stressful and difficult for everyone, especially if you are unfamiliar with Rhode Island Family Court.  If you are about to file for divorce, you will most likely have some questions about what forms to file and what to expect.  In today’s blog, the Rhode Island Divorce Lawyers at Abilheira Law will explain how to file for divorce in Rhode Island Family Court.

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Arrested in Rhode Island? Know Your Rights!

Arrests happen. How you handle yourself following your arrest can have a tremendous impact on your criminal case. For many, being arrested is the first time they have ever been exposed to our criminal justice system and the experience is shocking. Having a basic understanding of your rights can protect you from police officers and detectives eager to gather as much information from you as possible.   The Rhode Island Criminal Defense Lawyers at Abilheira Law want you to know your rights if you are ever arrested.

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Stopped by the police? Rhode Island Criminal Defense Lawyers tell you what to do

Know Your Rights

At one point or another, we have all been stopped by the police. Whether it was in high school as you ran out the back door of a house party or on the highway as you roared past the slow guy in the high speed lane, interacting with the police is a part of everyday life. Unfortunately, far too many people end up with criminal charges and/or traffic tickets because they do not know their rights. In today’s blog, the Rhode Island Criminal Defense lawyers at Abilheira Law have outlined your rights during police stops.

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Rhode Island’s New Conditional Hardship License

As of January 1, 2015, Rhode Island drivers now have the opportunity to seek a conditional hardship license.  A conditional hardship license allows a Rhode Island driver to operate a motor vehicle for the limited purpose of getting to and from work during the period in which their license is suspended because of a DUI or Refusal charge.

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New Year, New DUI Laws

As Rhode Islanders welcome the New Year, police and attorneys are welcoming notable changes to Rhode Island’s DUI laws. The new law, which took effect on January 1, 2015, allows judges to prohibit those found guilty of driving under the influence from operating their vehicles without an ignition interlock system.

The Rhode Island DUI lawyers at Abilheira Law wrote today’s blog to explain the new challenges and benefits posed by this law.

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Rhode Island Adult Diversion Program

Today, even one criminal conviction can spell disaster for your family, your job and your future. Fortunately, Rhode Island has a program available for first time nonviolent felony offenders which could result in a dismissal of your charges. Established in 1976, the Rhode Island Adult Diversion Program serves as an alternative to criminal prosecution and with the goal of reducing recidivism among offenders.

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Rhode Island Adult Drug Court

Drug addiction.  It is a problem that many of us are confronted with on a daily basis. Whether it is the loss of a loved one, the unrelenting stress of our daily lives, or simple curiosity, drug addiction can force people to make life altering decisions.  Luckily, programs like Rhode Island’s Adult Drug Court can give those battling addiction a second chance at a clean slate.  If you have been charged with a non-violent felony in Rhode Island and are fighting drug addiction, the Adult Drug Court is an invaluable resource.
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Rhode Island Restraining Orders: Filing, Notice, and Hearings

Once you have figured out the first step in obtaining a restraining order in Rhode Island: where to file for a restraining order, the next step is to actually file for the restraining order.  Then, notice must be given to the defendant and you must proceed to a hearing within 21 days.  Obtaining the help of a Rhode Island Restraining Order Lawyer for this process is essential.  The restraining order lawyers at Abilheira Law explain the process of filing for a restraining order, serving the defendant, and the restraining order hearing in today’s blog.

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Which Court Do I File For a Restraining Order in Rhode Island?

The first step in seeking a restraining order in Rhode Island is determining which court will have jurisdiction over your case.  The answer to this question is two-fold.  First, you must determine the appropriate court: Family, District, or Superior.  Second, you must determine the appropriate county.

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Rhode Island Marijuana Law Part II

As states continue to loosen once restrictive laws governing marijuana, people who support the recreational and medicinal use of the drug are confronted with complex and confusing statutes. In our last blog, we discussed Rhode Island’s decision to decriminalize possession of less than an ounce of marijuana. We also reviewed the serious fines and potential jail time for anyone who possesses more than proscribed statutory amount. So, what about those individuals who use marijuana for medical purposes and the individuals who are responsible for providing it?  The Rhode Island Marijuana Lawyers at Abilheira Law answer this question in today’s blog.
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Rhode Island Marijuana Law Part I

Proponents for the legalization of marijuana have gained some serious ground in the push to take the drug mainstream. Both Washington State and Colorado now allow residents to purchase marijuana legally for recreational use. Additionally, over twenty states have enacted medical marijuana statutes allowing care providers and card holders to legally possess marijuana. As marijuana legalization expands, the Rhode Island Marijuana Lawyers at Abilheira Law answer today’s question: what is Rhode Island’s position and how does it impact you?
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Fighting Rhode Island CDL Traffic Tickets

For a professional truck driver, your CDL is your livelihood. Unfortunately, many professional drivers fall victim to confusing federal regulations and obscure state motor vehicle infractions. When your job depends on a clean driving record and you receive a traffic ticket, you need a Rhode Island CDL lawyer familiar with fighting CDL traffic tickets.

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