Rhode Island Divorce Lawyer

Filing for divorce can be a challenging time for everyone involved. Whether you and your spouse have experienced a life changing event or you are no longer compatible, the Rhode Island Divorce Lawyers at Abilheira Law will take the time to review your legal options and ensure your family is protected.

​If you are considering divorce, it is important to first establish whether the proceeding will be contested or uncontested.

Uncontested Divorce

Simply agreeing with your spouse that it is time for a divorce does not mean your divorce is uncontested. An uncontested divorce is reserved for couples who have reached a complete agreement regarding the equitable division of their property, alimony and or spousal support, child custody, and child support.

​If your divorce is truly uncontested, an attorney will draft a settlement agreement reflecting the resolutions made by the parties. Both parties will be given the opportunity to review the agreement and your attorney will make all necessary changes. Finally, both parties must sign the agreement before your attorney can file it with the court. Both parties will have to appear before a judge, so that the judge may finalize the divorce and issue a divorce decree.

Even if you have already drafted a settlement agreement, it is advisable for you to retain counsel to review your proposed plan, offer suggestions for changes, resolve any minor disputes that may arise, and to ultimately draft all of the necessary paperwork to facilitate the filing of the uncontested divorce matter.

If you are in need of a divorce lawyer, call the Rhode Island Divorce Lawyers at Abilheira Law today for a free consultation, 401-245-5100

Contested Divorce

A contested divorce refers to a situation where you and your spouse have not discussed all the issues surrounding the divorce or situations where you and your spouse have been unable to come to an agreement upon the terms of the settlement. In a contested divorce, your attorney will negotiate the terms of the settlement agreement with your spouse and his or her attorney.

​It is important to note that, while some contested divorces ultimately lead to litigation and eventually a trial, the vast majority of these cases will result in resolutions outside of a courtroom, utilizing methods like mediation. Whether you and your spouse are agreeing to an uncontested divorce or you are facing the reality of a contested divorce, the Rhode Island Divorce Lawyers at Abilheira Law will thoroughly review your case, inform you of options, and fight for your rights. Call today for a free consultation,