Rhode Island Domestic Violence Lawyer

Have you been accused of domestic violence by your spouse, partner, child, or other family member? Did the police arrest the wrong person? Call the experienced Rhode Island Domestic Violence Lawyers at Abilheira Law today for a free consultation.

Automatic Arrests in Domestic Violence Cases

In an effort to reduce the rate of domestic violence crimes in Rhode Island, the State enacted newer, tougher laws with increased penalties and strict enforcement. In Rhode Island, police have the power to arrest individuals suspected of domestic violence without a warrant. As a result of this increased power, police often arrest the individual they believe to be the initial aggressor, even if that individual is not to blame.

What relationships are “domestic”?

You could be subject to these strict domestic violence laws if you and the alleged victim are family or household members which include:

  • Husband, wife, spouses, or former spouses
  • Adult persons related by blood or marriage
  • Adult persons who are presently living together (roommates) or have lived together within the past 3 years
  • People who have a child in common
  • People who are or have been engaged, or in a significant dating relationship within the past year as determined by the court, based on length and type of relationship, time/duration of relationship, and frequency of interaction between the two individuals

What crimes can be charged as “domestic”?

You could be charged with a domestic violence crime in Rhode Island if the victim is one of those listed above and the underlying crime is:

What are the penalties for a “domestic” crime?

Those found guilty of a domestic violence crime in Rhode Island face these enhanced penalties in addition to the penalties for the underlying crime:

1st Offense:

  • Attend a twenty (20) week batterer’s intervention program
  • Pay additional assessment fees of $125.00
  • A domestic no-contact order
    • This will prohibit the defendant from contacting the alleged victim of the domestic disorderly conduct in anyway including phone calls, text messages, social media, face to face confrontations, and in-direct contact through another individual.
    • Violation of a domestic no-contact order can result in an additional criminal charge, potential bail violation, and severe penalties.

2nd Offense:

  • Minimum of 10 days in jail and a maximum of up to a year
  • Attend a twenty (20) week batterer’s intervention program
  • Pay additional assessment fees of $125.00
  • Domestic no-contact order

3rd Offense:

  • Minimum of 1-10 years in prison
  • Attend a twenty (20) week batterer’s intervention program
  • Pay additional assessment fees of $125.00
  • Domestic no-contact order

The Rhode Island Domestic Violence Lawyers at Abilheira Law are on your side and will defend your rights to help you avoid the increased punishments associated with domestic violence crimes. In a system where an accusation is often enough to derail your life, you need a skilled and experienced lawyer fighting for you. Call the Rhode Island Domestic Violence lawyers at Abilheira Law today, 401-245-5100.