Help from Our Skilled Rhode Island Criminal Attorneys

Disorderly conduct in Rhode Island can be a vague charge that encompasses any kind of behavior that could be considered disruptive or unruly. These behaviors can range from being too loud in public or walking around intoxicated. However, regardless of the situation, a disorderly conduct charge can carry serious consequences that can result in fines, jail time, and a criminal record.

If you have been charged with disorderly conduct, it is important for you to contact a skilled Rhode Island disorderly conduct attorney as soon as possible. By involving a defense lawyer early in the legal process, you can significantly increase the chances for a favorable outcome. Our experienced attorneys are ready to review your case, explain the legal implications of your situation, and provide an aggressive defense for you in the courtroom.

Get started by calling our Providence or Warren office at (401) 245-5100 today. We serve clients all throughout Rhode Island.

What Is Disorderly Conduct in Rhode Island?

Under Rhode Island general law, disorderly conduct involves intentionally, recklessly, or knowingly:

  • Engaging in threatening or violent behavior
  • Disturbing another individual in a public space with loud and unreasonable noise
  • Directing offensive words at another person in a public space to provoke
    a violent reaction
  • Obstructing spaces to which the public have access
  • Obstructing or physically interfering with a lawful meeting, procession,
    or gathering
  • Looking into an occupied dwelling with voyeuristic purpose and without
    the consent

Let Us Be Your Bridge to Justice

Protect yourself against a disorderly conduct charge by contacting a skilled Rhode Island disorderly conduct lawyer from our firm. We provide honest and individualized legal defense that has helped individuals in Rhode Island time and time again. We achieve successful results with timely and consistent communication with our clients, as well as aggressive legal representation that results in favorable outcomes.

Let us be your bridge to justice. Call our office at (401) 245-5100 or fill out a free case evaluation.